With little Kaiden on the way, Becca wanted a rocking chair. She had been talking about one for months. However, being quite frugal (like her mother - that's me) she was unwilling to pay over a hundred dollars for one. God knows the desires of our hearts and a rocking chair was certainly one of Becca's desire. I remembered how much I had enjoyed and cherished those quiet, special times of sitting in my rocking chair and rocking my babies. (I still enjoy my rocking chair even though all the babies are grown, gone, and having babies of their own now.) Knowing how much Becca wanted a rocker, I started praying about it.
A week before Kaiden was born, we were in Michael's. My son, Eli, saw a $34.99 wooden rocking chair (some assembly required) on sale for $23.99. On getting to check-out with it, the register rang it up at $7.99!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not being one to question miracles, we did not argue about the price. The rocking chair was bought, assembled, and stained. Total cost..............least than $15 . Isn't it amazing that our wonderful God cares so much about us that He is even interested in the small details of our lives!
Wanted to share a photo of the rocking chair with you. The lap afghan draped over the rocker is made of variegated yarn (color is Earth and Sky) done in triple stitch crochet.